Below is the first web page of text from a journal that (Elizabeth) Marion Frost kept from 1883 to 1921. There is a link to the next page near the bottom of this page. There is also an index of all of the pages.
Cheryl Swisher provided a photocopy of a typed transcript of Marion’s journal. The original’s disposition and/or location are unknown. This transcript was made by Elizabeth Van Camp (granddaughter of Ethel (Frost) Hoyt, daughter of David Hoyt).
The photocopy is fairly poor, so this will be a digital transcript of the copy provided. The photocopy starts with a cover page from Elizabeth Van Camp.
This editor’s (David Frost (B, Victor)) comments will be contained in square brackets "[ ]".
**The following pages contain a transcript of the journal of Elizabeth Marion Frost for the years 1883-1921. The dots (…) that appear frequently in the first several pages represent portions of the original text which were missing, due to torn pages and pages which had been mouse-eaten. The question marks in the margins indicate questionable spelling of names, etc. [As these margins will be different in this transcription the question marks will be put in squiggly brackets "{ }"] The notes in the margins at the end of this transcript were written in my Miss Frost at a later date [again, these will be in squiggly brackets]. I have done my best to copy and transcribe this journal exactly as it was written. Any misspelled words are due either to the period time in which this journal was written; Miss Frost’s haste while writing this journal; or, and probably more frequently, my own haste in transcribing the journal [and probably a few added by this transcription]. I only hope that you enjoy this transcription as much as I enjoyed the original.**
Elizabeth Van Camp
December 30, 1981
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Last revised April 26, 2001.