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Below is the sixth web page of text from a journal that David Henry Frost kept from 1878 to 1880. There is a link to the next page near the bottom of this page. There is also an index of all of the pages. |
[Retyped by David Frost, (B, Victor)]
Sept. 16 [1879]
Tuesday - Pa has been gone about a week and a day now to Nebraska and Kansas. We all pretty well. Marion is teaching out in the country. Cora
Dec. 11 [1879]
Thursday - Pa has gone to Nebraska again. He went last night. Mrs. Hoyt has a little new boy, and when Artie heard Ralph had a little brother, he said "Humph, who cares! I'd rather have a little brother myself!" Christmas is coming. Cora
Dec. 25 [1879]
Christmas. Nelie[?] came the 18th with Pa. The 21st was Marion's birthday, and she got a card case and cards, and three drawing books. This is Christmas night. Pa got a scarf, diary (very nice) and $20 in [?] pieces in a bank. Ma got a small scarf, tie, $10, card case and cards. Henry got a scarf, author cards and slippers, rule[?]. Marion got a cup for washing teeth, soap dish, paint box and book to paint, and a lamb[?], and bank. Carrie got an in[?]stand, tie, and album, and another tie, and a drum bank, cat, a book. Jennie got a book, tie, album, pancake turner. I got 2 suits underclothes, work box, baby in cradle, velvet ribbon needle book. Thea got 3 books, stove, doll, work basket full of things, doll underclothes, caster, autograph album, beads, cross, bank. Artie got 2 books, dominoes, cat, tin pail, sword, gun, fiddle, bank, thimble, paper of needles, spool of silk. Ethel got 2 books, dishes, chair, doll & underclothes, whistle, bank, rooster, needles, thimble, silk. Natie[?] got a basket, blocks, thimble, needles, silk, monkey, chair, book, bank, pail. Pa also got 2 cocks fighting. Ma a pail, and all got candy and nuts. We had a good deal of dinner too. Thermometer was 20° below zero. Freddie was here too. Cora
[Dec.] 26 [1879]
Ma got a letter from Aunt Em and her picture, and she sent Henry and Marion each a card. [Cora]
Feb. 4 [1880]
The 26th was Papa's birthday. We had Bryant's picture framed for him. Yesterday was Carrie's. Pa gave her a bureau, and some oranges. Artie thinks he has a mustache(?) started. I got a letter from Uncle Blackmer, Aunt Ann and Charlie. I got an oil cloth for the children's table to-day. Marion and I recited our 7th Greek lesson to-night to Pa. To-day was quite cold in the morning, but milder at night. No snow to speak of. Cora[?]
Feb. 5 [1880]
It was nearly ten o'clock when I commenced school this morning. Tedie has not been attending
for sometime, on account of her lungs and headache. The children, Ethel, Nelie and Artie,
gave twenty-one modifyers[?] of oilcloth, meaning the one on the school table, in
the grammar class to-day. Barnes' Educational Monthly gives some questions in geography
for teachers to ask their pupils to see if they have been teaching properly. I asked the
children some of the questions and they answered them very nicely. I translated my English
into Latin without making any mistakes to-night for the first time when I showed it to Papa.
This is the third time that I have shown it to him. I have learned my Greek lesson for
to-day, but have not yet recited it. It is the first lesson in the second declinsion[?] -
E. M. F.
Marion and I recited our Greek lesson to Papa, and I have recited my Latin to Marion. It is
9:30 now. We are about ready to go to bed now. Nelie wants me to hug her before I go
to bed. Cora
Feb. 6
To-day I painted some with the paints Cora gave me Christmas. Cora laughed at me all of the time. My flowers did not look exactly like the copy. They were somewhat gayer, and more blotchy. Tedie wrote with the other children to-day. She also swept two rooms and the front piazza and walk and washed the dinner dishes. That was very naughty. I did not learn as much Latin as usual, because I had to draw to-day, but I learned my Greek. Marion
Feb. 7 [1880]
This is Saturday. M., J. & I went to singing school today. It is a very pleasant day, out doors. I did not study much to-day, because so many folks were in from the country. Nelie and Ethel did the dishes to-night, and were up when we came home. Cora
[Feb.] 9 [1880]
Monday. Cora tried to faint away today. Jennie has been washing. We are not going to recite to-night in Greek because Cora did not feel able to learn the lesson. I have not translated any Latin yet and I do not suppose I shall to-night. But I mended Arthur's coat and trowsers. The children drew some maps to-day. Marion
[Feb.] 9 [1880]
[?]Tif bin mift fala mofl[?] Lormalin[?]
[Feb.] 10 [1880]
I taught Cora's class to-day, because she did not feel able. I got my Latin last night except
one sentence. To-day I learned a long lesson so I will not have to get much to-morrow.
E. M. F.
Somewhat better to-day. I stayed in the office all the afternoon, though faintish. A lovely
day, like spring. Cora
We did not recite our Greek to-night, as I was not able to get my lesson. I just had to do
nothing as much as I oculd. Carrie is about as well as I am. Cora
[Feb.] 11 [1880]
Wednesday. I think I feel a little better to-day. I got my Greek lesson today, and
went to singing school. It is awfully muddy, and I threw my rubbers into a mud hole. They
were old and leaky anyway, and came off every step I took. To-night I got a letter from Aunt
Ann and Uncle Blackmer. In the Greek, our next lesson will commence the second, no, third
declension. Cora
I have commenced Syntax of Adjectives in Latin. M.
[Feb.] 12 [1880]
We recited our first lesson in the third declension, Greek. My health is improving. Carrie got
a package from Grinnell to-night containing some hair of Sakie's, and a pair of black kid
gloves. I recited to Marion in Latin to night. Cora Frost
Marion got her "Birds of Prey" yesterday. Cora Frost
[Feb.] 13 [1880]
This is the day before St. Valentine's, and we have been quite busy at the post-office. I
staid down all day, because Carrie wasn't very lively. Frank Wilson sent a lovely valentine
to Della Shaffer. He invited me to look at it. Cora
I had the children draw to-day, because Cora was not here. I drew also. I painted some, too,
but it was horrible. I did not have the children write in their copy books, but I had them
write some letters. Cora and I have got to Class II, Third Declension, in Greek, and I
have got to syntax of verbs in Latin. Marion
[Feb.] 14 [1880]
St. Valentine's Day, used up. Went to see Mrs. Hoyt's baby today. Cora
[Feb.] 16 [1880]
I went to Sunday school yesterday, and to church in the evening. To-day I was quite well. Marion and I recited our Greek lesson to-night. Cora
[Feb.] 16 [1880]
I did not learn any Latin today because my head ached. Jennie is ruining her constitution by washing. She did the whole washing to-day. She will soon be fainting away soon. Marion
[Feb.] 17 [1880]
We recited our Greek to-night without any serious catastrophe. I did not learn enough Latin
to make up for what I missed yesterday, but I learned enough for one day. Marion
Miss Blackburn is in town to-day. She expects to stay till Friday. Singin skule to-day.
[that's how she spelled both words this time] Cora
[Feb.] 18 [1880]
Recited Greek and algebra to-night. I got a letter from Uncle Blackmer to-night. I got Nelie a pretty first reader - Appleton's[?] - to-day. Cold and windy. Cora did learn her Latin to-day. The children like to write "prepositions" and Theda[?] doesn't like to be "approved". Marion
[Feb.] 19 [1880]
Greek to-night. Also Freddie. I wrote to Kathie to-day. I basted Artie's blouse to-day. Cora
[Feb.] 24 [1880]
Tedie came to school to-day. We went to singing school. We also recited Greek, and I learned
some Latin. Tz veater is kulte vapu avd pgeasuvt gategv [best I can approximate some Greek that
she wrote in HTML - I'll try to get my daughter to translate this for me and include it]
[A bit of Greek or Latin, followed by what I think is some German (the writing is very hard
to see)] Nice spring weather to-day. I finished Artie's bouse. Cora
[Some more Greek]
Last revised September 27, 1998.
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