Victor Frost Family Pictures
60's and 70's

The pictures below are "thumbnails" - click on them or the underlined words to get to full size pictures.

This page has pictures of Victor (A, Arthur) Frost's family (60's and 70's).

Michael, David, and Rick Frost, circa 1962.
Family Reunion in South Bend, IN, circa 1962.
Family Reunion, at Notre Dame, approx. 1963.
Victor Frost's family, Summer, 1967.
Victor Frost's family, with Mike (A, Arthur), at Notre Dame (?), Summer, 1967.
Mike, with Delilah and cat, 1968.
Rick, High School Yearbook picture, Spring 1969.
Rick and Beth Grossman, prom, 1970.
Dave, High School Yearbook picture, Spring 1971.
Mike, High School Yearbook picture, Spring 1974.

Last revised November 26, 1999.

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