Victor Frost Family Pictures
20's thru 40's

The pictures below are "thumbnails" - click on them or the underlined words to get to full size pictures.

This page has pictures of Victor (A, Arthur) Frost's family (20's thru 40's).

M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1925.
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1928.
Arthur and family, 1932.
Arthur Karl Frost's sons Richard, Jack, Victor, and Harold (Joe), circa 1935.
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, 1936.
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1930's.
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1930's.
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1930's (including portrait studio frame).
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1940.
M. Jean (McGrath) Frost, circa 1940.
Victor home on leave, in "civies", 1944.
Bet, Jean, Marth, and Jean's Aunt Margaret, circa 1945.
Victor Paul Frost, before (?) wedding, September 3, 1949.
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding, September 3, 1949 (#1).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding, September 3, 1949 (#2).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding, September 3, 1949 (#2 - not retouched).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding, September 3, 1949 (#3).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding, September 3, 1949 (#3 - not retouched).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding, September 3, 1949 (#4).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding reception, September 3, 1949 (#4 - not retouched).
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding reception, September 3, 1949.
M. Jean McGrath and Victor Paul Frost, at their wedding reception, September 3, 1949.

Last revised September 5, 2020.

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