Helen Frost Hoke Family Pictures

The pictures below are "thumbnails" - click on them or the underlined words to get to full size pictures.

This page has pictures of Helen Frost Hoke's (A, Caroline) family.

Helen in Lead, SD.
Helen and Katie, Lead, SD, 1936.
Helen in Halloween costume (Lead, SD).
Bob Hoke, circa 1945.
Helen, Graduation, South Bend, SD, 1952.
Family Reunion in South Bend, IN, circa 1962.
Family Reunion, at Notre Dame, approx. 1963.
Hoke boys.
1985 Reunion, "Original 12": Vic, David, Helen, Jack, Mike, Bernie, Katie, Bonnie, Joe, Tom, Mary, and Frank.
Helen and Rolly.
Hokes (#1).
Hokes (#2).
Hokes (#3).
Caroline Holt Schwaller.
Helen and Caroline.
Heidi, Rachel, Heather (#1).
Heidi, Rachel, Heather (#2).
Heidi, Rachel, Heather (#3).
Karl Frost and Ray Schwaller.
Bob Hollen, John Hoke, and Kate Madden.
Caroline and her children.
Bob and Helen at the Ghost Town.
(Caroline Holt Schwaller's youngest daughter) at the Ghost Town.

Last revised August 23, 1999.

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