is the senior USMC unit award, and was awarded to the 4th Marine
Brigade in 1918 instead of awarding the Croix de Guerre to all hands.

Currently worn
by members of the 5th and 6th Marines. Translations of one of the
awards as posted by the French:
"Cited in
Army Orders
The 4th American
Brigade under command of Brigadier General James G. Harbord, The 5th
Regt.of Marines under command of Colonel Wendell C. Nevill;The 6th
Regt. of Marines under command of Colonel Albertus W. Catlin;The 6th
Machine Gun Battalion under command of Major Edward W. Cole;
'Was thrown in
full battle on a front violently attacked by the enemy. Immediately
asserted itself as a unit of the first order. On its very entry on the
fighting line, broke down, together with French troops, a violent
attack by the enemy on an important position, and began, on its own
account, a series of offensive operations. During the course of these
operations, thanks to the brilliant courage, the vigor, spirit and
tenacity of its men who overcame all hardships and losses; thanks to
the activity and energy of its officers; and thanks to the personal
action of its chief, General Harbord, the 4th Brigade found its efforts
crowned with success. In a well co-coordinated action its 2 regiments
and machine gun battalion realized, after 12 days of incessant fighting
(from the 2nd to the 13th of June 1918) on very difficult terrain, an
advance varying from 1200 to 2000 meters, on a front of 4 kilometers,
capturing a large amount of material, taking more than 500 prisoners,
inflicting on the enemy considerable losses, and capturing 2 objectives
of first importance; the village of Bouresches and Belleau Wood.'
(Order No. 10805
At Great General
Headequarters, October 22, 1918.
The Commanding
General-in Chief
It is significant
to note two things about this campaign:
- Whole companies of
Marines entered Belleau Wood and never came out,
- The French have renamed
Belleau Wood, "The Forest of the Marines," and it
remains to this day a reminder of the valor of the United States
Marine Corps.
View the
original document as given to each Marine:
For a
comprehensive account of this battle, read - Devil Dogs, Fighting
Marines of World War I" By George B. Clark