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This page has pictures of Arthur Karl Frost's family (1940's). |
David, circa 1940. Helen in Lead, SD. Helen in Halloween costume (Lead, SD). Jack Private, First Class. Victor home on leave, in "civies", 1944. Bonnie Frost (A, Caroline), in Lead, SD, circa 1945 (#1). Harold Joseph (Joe) Frost (A, Arthur), in Lead, SD, circa 1945. Victor Paul Frost (A, Arthur), 1945. Karl and family, 1945. Karl and family, 1945. House on McClellan Street, circa 1945. St. Patrick's, Lead, SD. Arthur Karl Frost and his family in Lead, SD, circa 1940's. Bernie in Lead, SD. Mike and Caroline, ~1946. David with Mike on his shoulders.
Last revised November 23, 1999.