Arthur Karl Frost Family Pictures
20's and 30's

The pictures below are "thumbnails" - click on them or the underlined words to get to full size pictures.

This page has pictures of Arthur Karl Frost's family (20's and 30's).

Jack, circa 1927.
Harold, an unknown friend holding a dog,
Victor, Jack, and Richard
, circa 1929.
Victor, Harold, Jack, and Richard, ~1931.
Karl and family, 1932.
Arthur Karl Frost's sons Richard, Jack, Victor, and Harold (Joe), circa 1935.
Victor and Richard, 1935.
Frost women, Dot, Marion, Dorothy, Sophie, Carrie, Helen, and Edith, circa 1936.
Helen and Katie, circa 1936.
Richard, Altar Boy, 1938.
Old picture of Lead, year unknown.

Last revised April 25, 2020

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