Victor P. Frost 80th Birthday Pictures

The pictures below are "thumbnails" - click on them or the underlined words to get to the full sized pictures.

This page has pictures of Vic's 80th birthday - main party, November 3, 2007.

Vic's 80th, the signs at the entrance to the party room. Vic's 80th, June, Frances, Erik, & Kate.
Vic's 80th, Erik, Kate, & Rick. Vic's 80th, Heidi, David, & Heather.
Vic's 80th, Kate & John. Vic's 80th, June, Dave, and Frances.
Vic's 80th, June, Dave, & Frances. Vic's 80th, Mike & Janet.
Vic's 80th, David & Mary H. Vic's 80th, Rose & Curtis.
Vic's 80th, Rick, Susan, Frances, & Erik. Vic's 80th, Mary Jane.
Dad's 80th, Mary L, Claire, & Frank. Dad's 80th, Susan, Mary Jane, & Rick.
Vic's 80th, Vic & Beverly. Vic's 80th, Vic and Beverly.
Vic's 80th, Heidi. Vic's 80th, Mary Jane, Janet, Rose, Curtis, & Mike.
Vic's 80th, Heidi, Beverly, Erik, Heather, Frances, Dave, Mary L, June, Claire, & Kate. Vic's 80th, Holly, Heidi, Erik, Beverly, Frances, and Heather.
Vic's 80th, June, Mary L, Claire, Kate, Mary H, John, and Mary Jane. Vic's 80th, John, Deanna, Mary Ann, Lillian, Jane K, Heather, Jane M, Scott, Frances, (Heidi), Claire, Erik, Frank, Mary L, Rose, and Curtis.
Vic's 80th, Frances, Curtis, Claire, David, Mary L, Janet, Mike, Betty, (Jane K), Jane M, Vic, Mary H, June, John, Mary Jane, (Kate), Beverly, & Susan. Vic's 80th, Holly, Francis, Alexander, Deanna, Lillian, Kathryn, Janet, Mary Ann, and Scott.
Vic's 80th, June, Jane K, Betty, Mary L, Mike, Janet, David, Claire, Frances, Heather, Francis, Mary Ann, Holly, Curtis, Alexander, Kathryn, Frank, (Heidi), Erik, and Rose. Vic's 80th, John, Kate, Mary Jane, Jane M, June, Jane K, Betty, Mike, Mary L, Janet, Scott, and Claire.
Vic's 80th, June, Mary Jane, Kate, Francis, Janet, Holly, Mike, Alexander, Liam, Deanna, Betty, Mary Ann, Lillian, John, Jane K, Scott, Jane M, Frances, (Heidi), Claire, (and Erik). Vic's 80th, Francis, Scott, Heidi, Mary Ann, Erik, Frank, Heather, Rose, Frances, Curtis, Claire, David, Mary L, Janet, Mike, Betty, (Jane K), and Jane M.
Vic's 80th, Mary H, Beverly, Susan, Rick, Claire, Vic, & David. Vic's 80th, Rose, Curtis, Mary H, Beverly, Susan, Rick, and Vic.
Vic's 80th, David. Vic's 80th, David.
Vic's 80th, John, Janet, Francis, Holly, Mike, Betty, Mary Ann, Jane K, Jane M, Scott, and Heidi. Vic's 80th, Jane M, (Frances), (Scott), (Heidi), Claire, Erik, Mary L, Frank, Rose, Rick, and Curtis.
Vic's 80th, Curtis, Vic, Beverly, and David. Vic's 80th, Rick, Curtis, Vic, and Beverly.
Vic's 80th, Mary H, Mary Jane, Kate, John, Janet, Holly, Mike, (Alexander), and Betty. Vic's 80th, Mary H, Kate, Mary Jane, June, John, (Francis), and Janet.
Vic's 80th, Kate, Mary Jane, Mary H, June, Mike, Francis, John, Janet, Holly, Alexander, (Kathryn), Betty, Mary Anne, Jane K, (and Heather). Vic's 80th, Vic, Beverly, and Frank.
Vic's 80th, (Betty), (Mary Ann), Jane K, Heather, (Frances), Jane M, (Scott), Heidi, Claire, Erik, Mary L, Rose, Rick, and Curtis. Vic's 80th, Mary Jane, June, John, (Janet), Betty, Mary Ann, Jane K, Jane M, Frances, (Scott), and Heidi.
Vic's 80th, Frank. Vic's 80th, Vic & Beverly.
Vic's 80th, Beverly, Vic, & Frank with "the statue". Vic's 80th, Beverly & Vic embellishing the story of the statue.
Vic's 80th, Vic & Frank with "the statue". Vic's 80th, Vic & Frank with "the statue".
Vic's 80th, the cake. Vic's 80th, Mary L, Curtis, Jane M, Deanna, Vic, Lillian, Kathryn, Liam, and Alexander.
Vic's 80th, Erik, Heidi, Vic, Mary L, Claire, Holly, Frances, Heather, Jane M, Jane K, John, Mary H, and Alexander. Vic's 80th, how many Frost's does it take to figure out a digital camera?!
Dad's 80th, Kate, & Mary jane.    

Last revised November 21, 2007.

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