David P. Frost Family Pictures - 2012

The pictures below are "thumbnails" - click on them or the underlined words to get to the full sized pictures.

This page has pictures of David P. Frost's (B, Victor) family - Taughannock Falls & Cornell Arboretum, September 10, 2012.

Upper falls, Taughannock Falls. Taughannock Falls.
Taughannock Falls. Taughannock Falls.
Taughannock Falls. Taughannock Falls.
Taughannock Falls. Taughannock Falls.
Taughannock Falls. Taughannock Falls.
Pathway down, Taughannock Falls. Pathway down, Taughannock Falls.
Pathway down, Taughannock Falls. Pathway down, Taughannock Falls.
Pathway down, Taughannock Falls. Pathway down, Taughannock Falls.
Pathway down, Taughannock Falls. Pathway down, Taughannock Falls.
Pathway down, Taughannock Falls. Pathway down, Taughannock Falls.
Overlook, Taughannock Falls. Overlook, Taughannock Falls.
Overlook, Taughannock Falls. Overlook, Taughannock Falls.
Overlook, Taughannock Falls. Overlook, Taughannock Falls.
Overlook, Taughannock Falls. Taughannock Falls.
Overlook, Taughannock Falls. Overlook, Taughannock Falls.
Overlook, Taughannock Falls. North Point, Taughannock Falls, Cayuga Lake.
North Point. North Point, other side of Cayuga Lake.
North Point. North Point.
North Point. North Point.
North Point. North Point.
North Point. North Point.
North Point. Cornell Arboretum.
Cornell Arboretum. Cornell Arboretum.
Cornell Arboretum. Cornell Arboretum.
Cornell Arboretum. Cornell Arboretum.
Cornell Arboretum. Cornell Arboretum.
Cornell Arboretum.    

Last revised September 14, 2012.

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