David P. Frost Family Pictures - 2012

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This page has pictures of David P. Frost's (B, Victor) family - Massachusetts & Connecticut, September 13, 2012.

Bash Bish Falls
Heading towards Bash Bish Falls. Heading towards Bash Bish Falls.
David, heading towards Bash Bish Falls. Heading towards Bash Bish Falls.
Heading towards Bash Bish Falls. Heading towards Bash Bish Falls.
Heading towards Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Scenery near Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Bash Bish Falls. Bash Bish Falls.
Returning from Bash Bish Falls. Returning from Bash Bish Falls.
Returning from Bash Bish Falls. Returning from Bash Bish Falls.
Returning from Bash Bish Falls. Chipmunk, returning from Bash Bish Falls.
Returning from Bash Bish Falls. Returning from Bash Bish Falls.
Returning from Bash Bish Falls. David, back in parking lot of Bash Bish Falls.
David, back in parking lot of Bash Bish Falls. Information at Bash Bish Falls.
West Granville and Granville, MA
(???Need direct tie in - who / when)
Old house, in West Granville. Front door and mantle of old house in West Granville.
Old Store at West Granville. Historic plaque on The Store at West Granville.
Old Meeting House, Granville. Old Meeting House, Granville.
Old Meeting House, Granville. Old Meeting House, Granville.

Granville Jubilee
Aug 27 1845.
Adjourned to the
last Wednesday in
Aug. 1895.

Marker Post.
Old Meeting House, Granville (looking through the old glass windows). Old Meeting House, Granville.
Asahel & Tryphena Stiles, & others, Scantic Cemtery, East Windsor, CT
Asahel & Tryphena were Caroline Eaton's maternal grandparents.
Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery. Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery.
Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery. Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery.
Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery. Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery.
Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery. Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery.
Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery. Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery.
Asahel Stiles family marker, Scantic Cemetery. Asahel and Tryphena headstones.
Asahel and Tryphena headstones. Remnants of old fence along side new fence at Scantic Cemetery.
Old gate posts, Scantic Cemetery. Scantic Cemetery.
Scantic Cemetery. Scantic Cemetery.
Scantic Cemetery. First Congregational Church of East Windsor in Scantic.
First Congregational Church of East Windsor in Scantic.    
John & Ann Rockwell & others, Main Street Cemetery, South Windsor, CT
John & Ann were Asahel Stiles' maternal grandparents, Caroline Eaton's great-great-grandparents
John Rockwell, South Windsor, CT, Main Street Cemetery

Here Lie ye body of
Mr. John Rockwell who
Died August 16[?] ye
1746 In the 75th
Year of his Age

John Rockwell.
Ann Rockwell

Hee Lyes the
Body of Mrs Ann
Rockwell ye wife
of Mr John Rock
well who died Apr.
ye 1st AD.1756 in ye
72 Year of Her Age

Ann Rockwell.
Main Street Cemetery, South Windsor, CT.. Main Street Cemetery, South Windsor, CT..
Mary, Main Street Cemetery. Main Street Cemetery, South Windsor, CT..
Main Street Cemetery, South Windsor, CT.. Main Street Cemetery, South Windsor, CT..
Simon Wolcott, Main Street Cemetery

Here Lyes the
Body of
Mr Simon
who died Oct.br
the 28th A:D 1732
in the 66th Year
of His Age.

Eunice Wolcott

Here Lyes the
Body of Mrs
Eunice Wolcott
Daughter of Mr
Simon Wolcott
who Died Febry
ye 18th 172[3?] In the
22 Year of her age

Samuel Bancroft

Queen Anns War
Capt. M. Dimmonds Co
Died Nov. 29, 1742
Æ 74.

Main Street Cemetery.

Last revised October 25, 2012.

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